Renowned Nigerian gospel artist, songwriter, and worship leader, Mercy Chinwo, has unveiled a captivating new musical composition titled "Oke Mmiri."...
Renowned Nigerian gospel artist, songwriter, and worship leader, Mercy Chinwo, has unveiled a captivating new musical composition titled "Oke Mmiri."...
Nigerian gospel music sensation Frank Edwards has recently unveiled his latest single, "Sounds Of Many Waters," which is now available...
Minister GUC, a renowned worship leader and recording artist from Nigeria, has gifted the world with a truly enchanting song....
Minister John Star is a remarkable Nigerian worship leader and recording artist who has touched hearts and enriched lives worldwide...
"Okaka" was delivered by PREYE ODEDE AND MERCY CHINWO Gospel Ministers in Nigeria for streaming and download The "Okaka"Â music...
MUSIC: IYANU BY DAVID G "Iyanu" was delivered by David G a gospel minister in Nigeria for streaming and download...
Nigeria Talented Gospel singer and song writer GUC drop new song tagged The Call The call is a spirit...
A great Nigerian music minister and an icon minister Elijah Oyelade and Moses Bliss had a good collaboration on a ...