
Mr Peculiar sings E-Shock You(Mp3)

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Mr Peculiar sings E-Shock You(Mp3)

Mr Peculiar sings E-Shock You(Mp3)

Mr Perculiar sings a brand new song titled E Shock You produced by Apro

This is a song of thanksgiving, appreciating God for those things we term little things that the Lord has done for us and the things He has done that SHOCKED us. The Bible said when the Lord turned the captivity of Zion, it was like a dream. Meaning E-SHOCKED them.
As you sing this song, God will do something new in your life that will SHOCK YOU and the people around you. Song by Mr Peculiar and produced by A-pro. Please download and keep sharing with the world.

Download music: Mr Peculiar sings E-Shock You(Mp3)


Ga amfani da mun Samu a cikin jeji
Ga rake masara da shinkafa
Ga doya ma mun tona mun kawo
Ga dankali araha da Kuma gwaza
Ga shanu Muna kiwo da awaki
Lord I give you my harvest and praise
For you have done me well
In the land of the living
You have taken my hunger and shame
So everything I have
I dedicate it unto you
Ga amfani da mun Samu a cikin jeji
Ga rake masara da shinkafa
Ga doya ma mun tona mun kawo
Ga dankali araha da Kuma gwaza
Ga shanu Muna kiwo da awaki
Lord I give you my harvest and praise
For you have done me well
In the land of the living
You have taken my hunger and shame
So everything I have
I dedicate it unto you
Ga amfani da mun Samu a cikin jeji
Ga rake masara da shinkafa
Ga doya ma mun tona mun kawo
Ga dankali araha da Kuma gwaza
Ga shanu Muna kiwo da awaki
2nd Chorus
Allah Muna Maka Godiya
Ya Allah Ka Kara albarkan Ka
Ya Allah ka Kara albarkan Ka (2x)
Ya Allah ka Kara albarkan Ka (2x)
Toh! A taka rawa
A taka rawa toh
If you love the Lord say eeeey (Echo) (2x)
If you love the Lord say Eheeey! (Echo)
If you love the Lord say Jesus! (Echo)
Say Jesus is my savior (Echo) (2x)
E Shock you (E Shock me) (2x)
Jesus is my healer ( Echo) (2x)
E Shock you (E Shock me) (2x)
E Shock you (E Shock me) (2x)
Toh! Mu tapa (Muna da tapawa)
Mu tapa (Muna da tapawa)
Mu tapa (Muna da tapawa)
Mu motsa (Muna da motsawa)
Mu motsa (Muna da motsawa)
Mu tapa (Muna da tapawa)
Mu tapa (Muna da tapawa)
Mu motsa (Muna da motsawa)
Ga amfani da mun Samu a cikin jeji
Ga rake masara da shinkafa
Ga doya ma mun tona mun kawo
Ga dankali araha da Kuma gwaza
Ga shanu Muna kiwo da awaki
Follow @mrpeculiarmusic
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